Monday, September 30, 2019

Determinants of Student’s Academic Performance Essay

It is a positive statement when one says that man of modern society is so advanced in education, both in the science and in technology, but won’t mind nor think about what steps he could make or trace what good he could do for his fellowmen. He does not live in terms of attitudes acceptable in the society where he lives. A man today is more conscious of his own personal upliftment, keeps innocent of knowing his worth which would be undeniably great if he is treading the right way. Everyone has a right in education. This is embodied in Article XIV Section I of the Philippine Constitution 1987: The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education to all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Schools, colleges, and universities have no work without student. Students are most essential assets for any educational institute. The social and economic development of the country is directly linked with student academic performance. The students performance place an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic and social development. So the parents or guardians must do their responsibilities and roles to give what they need in education. Intelligence is not the only determinant of the academic performance of the student. Academic performance of a student is always associated with the many components of learning environment. Learning and teaching environment ought to implement six functions: inform, communicate, collaborate, produce, scaffold, and manage. The key to success in learning-teaching environment lies on people who use it. Hence, in the instructional system, the teacher is the main factor who can spell the difference between success and failure of a student. Another important determinant, which shouldn’t be neglected, is the family. Family is the primary social system for students for all cultures across the region. Religiosity as an aspect of the family environment is another independent variable possibly influencing academic performance. Higher-achieving students are likely to have the following characteristics: positive feelings about their school experiences, attribute their success in high school to such things as hard work, self-discipline, organization, ability, and high motivation, these characteristics vary from person to person and country to country. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study determined the related factors to the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy, second year students at Cagayan State University. To attain the aforementioned objective, answer to the following research questions were sought. 1. What is the profile of the BSRT 1st year students in terms of: A. Personal Factors: a. 1. Sex a. 2. Parent’s occupation a. 3. Sibling number a. 4. Physical health a. 5. Student attitude a. 6. Religion or Ethnicity B. School Factors: b. 1. No vision b. 2. Lack of passion b. 3. Lack of personal/work/school/family balance b. 4. Lack of taking advantage of student resources b. 5. Attending the wrong college or university b. 6. Lack of maturity and discipline C. Community Factors: c. 1. School distance from home c. 2. Means of transportation D. Intrinsic Factors: d.1 . Interest d.2 . Ability E. Extrinsic Factors: e.1 Family Factor e.2 Peers F. Aspirations G. Needs A. What are the determinants of the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? B. Is there a relationship between the profile and the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? C. How do the teachers perceive the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? SCOPE AND DELIMINATION OF THE STUDY This research study is centered on the factors related to the academic performance and attitudes of the BSRT 1st year students at Cagayan State University, Andrew’s Campus. The profile of Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy 1st year students in the terms of personal, school and community factors were determined. Likewise, the teacher’s perceptions on the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students were considered. Furthermore, the relationship between the BSRT 1st year profile and academic performance were also determined. Lastly, the variable that contributes to the variation of the Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy 1st year students’ academic performance was established. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is with optimism that the findings of this study would contribute the development of macro educational system particularly at Cagayan State University in terms of the determinants related to the academic performance of BSRT 1st year students. Furthermore, it is hoped that feedback of data gathered would be used as clues for recommending changes for improvement in fulfilling practices, performance that are relevant and responsive to the demand of our educational system. Moreover, result of this study, would guide the teachers in improving their classroom management, instructional methods and strategies to equip their students the needed preparation for their future careers. Likewise, the parents would be made knowledgeable on determinants of academic performance of their child; therefore, they can suit a proper program of activities for their child for a better performance. It is also hoped that this study shall help the school maintain a harmonious relationship with the community in playing its vital role for the progress and development through people empowerment. Summing up, the findings of this study would contribute to the attainment of educational excellence and the national development goal, the conversion of the Philippines into a newly industrialized country. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Ability- CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Student academic performances are affected due to social, psychological, economic, environmental, and personal factors. The learning environment refers to the whole range of components and activities within which learning happens (Bahr, Hawks, & Wang 1993). A. PERSONAL FACTORS The socio-economic status of students is directly proportional to their scholastic performance. 1. Parents Occupation According to Ruben as cited by Ramiro, (1996) that the effect of low income reflects lack of education or training, physical or mental disability or poor motivation. Students with parents who were both college educated tended to achieve at the highest levels. Income and family size were modestly related to achievement (Ferguson, 1991). Middle class parents tend to be college graduate although some only graduated from high school, and many only reached elementary. Bremberk (1996) found out that an increase in the percentage of parents with college degree and white collar job have a better effect on school performance. Parents’ educational attainment is related to the school achievement of the youth. 2. Sibling Number Children from large families maybe handicapped because they get relatively source of the family’s intellectual resources than those children from smaller families (Draig 1998). 3. Attitudes of the Student Performance and attitudes characteristics are strong determinants of academic achievement as cited by Marcos, (1998). According to Santrock, (1998) when our attitude is based on personal experience our behavior is more likely reflect our attitudes. When we have thought about our attitude towards something and have ready access it, the attitude behavior connection is strengthen. In the words of John Locke, â€Å"The actions of men are the best interpreter of their thoughts†. Ramiro, (1996) mentioned that habits of students are very much related to education. The relationship would contribute something substantial in the academic performance of student in their respective school and homes greatly affect their standing in school. B. SCHOOL FACTORS Education is a continuous process in which every parent aims to give it as a gift to their children for their future. Abracia, (1984) stated that schools was considered as a second home of learners because it is a plays where to know everything; wherein a teacher serves as their parents. 1. No vision According to Wollitkiewics,(1980) Some students do not have a clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create for themselves. Thus, they may take programs of study without a clear career goal or objective. In essence, they choose the wrong major. 2. Lack of passion In a study conducted by Salinas, (1989) she emphasized that successful students work out of passion, a love for what they want to do, and recognize the importance of the benefit it will bring others as well as themselves. Without passion, study becomes a chore and not a method for achieving clearly defined goals. 3. Lack of personal/work/school/family balance Whatever is going on in a student’s personal life, will inevitably affect what’s going on in school. Whatever is happening in school will affect what’s going on in their personal life. A student needs time to be in class, and appropriate time for study. However, there must be time for family, friends, social activities, and time to just be alone. The key is keeping proper balance (Kalko, Elisabeth, K.V., et al. 2006) 4. Lack of taking advantage of student resources There is really no reason for academic failure. According to San Luis, (2003) every college and university has an academic learning center where students can receive peer and faculty tutoring, without charge. Many students fail to seek help. 5. Attending the wrong college or university Tylan, (1998) found that students accept admission into schools they are not familiar with. Thus, they become depressed with their surroundings. Student must be content with their school, its environment, and resources. This, in turn has a negative effect on their studies. 6. Lack of maturity and discipline Some students are just not disciplined and lack good organizational skills. They often fall under the pressure of their peers. (Corpus, 1999) Rather than using good discretion, they feel compelled to follow others (socially), when they really should be attending to their studies. C. INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC FACTORS Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself. It occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is significant. Students are likely to be intrinsically motivated if they attribute their educational results to factors under their own control, also known as autonomy (http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Motivation#intrinsic_and_extrinsic_motivation). Intrinsic means internal or inside of yourself. When you are intrinsically motivated, you enjoy an activity, course or skill development solely for the satisfaction of learning and having fun, and you are determined to be inwardly in order to be competent ( According to Dr. James Gavin, intrinsic motivation is derived from a self-concept, core beliefs, internal need and development opposed to extrinsic motivators which can undermine these motivations. Motives needs to be additive in effect, which means the more reasons you find to motivate yourself to engage in a behavior, the more likely you will continue with and persist in these behaviors. External motivators are typically not additive. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, means external or outside of yourself, this type of motivation is everywhere and frequently used within the society throughout your lifetime. When you are motivated to behave, learn, or do based on highly regarded outcome, rather than for fun, development or learning provided within an experience, you are being extrinsically motivated ( 1. Family Probably the strongest influence in our lives is the family we grew up. Our birth order, the personality of our parents, the way we were treated by our siblings, the socio economic status of the family and the place we lived. Besides these tacit influences, our parents taught us all the basics of proper behavior (â€Å"Family influence†.3rd ed. New York. Ronald M. Doctor, Ada P. Kahn 2008). Rollins and Thomas found that high parental control were associated with high achievement. Parents have a crucial role to make sure that every child becomes high achiever. Parental influence has been identified as an important factor affecting student achievement. Philips (1998) also found that parental education and social economic status have an impact on student performance. 2. Influence of Peers Peers groups play a powerful role in shaping identity because the desire to be accepted by one’s peers and â€Å"fit in† with one’s peers often becomes paramount concern for most adolescents. Peer groups are likely to impose negative sanctions upon those who violate what are perceived as established norms of behavior and who attempt to construct identities that deviate significantly from prevailing conceptions of racial and gender identity ( Peers refer to people who are of the same age, educational level, or have the same job or profession. According to Christine Adamec, (2008), a peer group can cause anxieties for an individual because it can arouse feelings of self concept, low self esteem, and other negative attitudes and behavior. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, the locale of the study, the respondents and sampling procedure, the instrument and statistical tools used to treat the data collected. RESEARCH DESIGN Since this study will determine the academic performances of BSRT 2nd year students at Cagayan State University, the researchers will use the descriptive correlational method. Descriptive method often involves extensive observation and note-taking. It describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. The correlational method of research will also used to deal with their relationship between and among the input, transformation process and output variables. The researchers used this method since the condition and description of the subjects and variables at the time of the study will determine. LOCALE OF THE STUDY The College of Allied Health and Sciences was located at Cagayan State University, Tuguegarao. This was composed of two courses- Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology and Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy. The researchers will only focus to the 2nd year BSRT students. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The principal instrument used in collecting data needed was questionnaire. It is composed of structured questions regarding personal factors, school factors, community factors, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors and students’ academic performance, each item will be provided with possible answer for the choices of the respondents. The academic performance of the students will be derived through documentary analysis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hurricane Katrina Essay

Mike Mulally 10-11-19 In 2005 Hurricane Katrina swept through the city of New Orleans and destroyed the lives of thousands. Katrina was one of the largest hurricanes and natural disasters in the history of the United States (Wikipedia, 2009). While most of the casualties’ occurred during the actual storm, still a many took place days after, and were do to the fact that the local, state, and national government were slow to respond. This slow response was due to the nature of federalism. I believe Americans got a glimpse at how federalism and bureaucracy have flaws. These imperfections will be discussed in the pages below. The PBS documentary â€Å"The Storm,† depicts the destruction Hurricane Katrina caused, as well as what went wrong with the evacuation and rescue of New Orleans residents. Local, state, and national government officials were interviewed, such as New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, New Orleans governor Kathleen Blanco, and FEMA Director Michael Brown. Each official gave his or her version of why events happened the way they did. Some of the their accounts contradicted each other. I believe everyone was just looking out for him or herself, trying to save face. This seems to be a common problem in American politics. I will next explore how federalisms can be a inconvenience in a situation such as a natural disaster. Federalism by definition â€Å"is a system in which governmental powers are divided between a central government and smaller units, like states†(Greenberg & Page, 2009, Ch. 3). The officials at all levels of the government were somehow confused during Katrina on who exactly was in charge. Was it New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, FEMA Director Michael Brown, was it President Bush? † (Marcela, 2005). There was also a lack of communication between the different levels of government, which, as was talked about in class, is an obvious downside or barrier to federalism (Oxendine, 2009). In a situation like a natural disaster, communication is key. If one cannot communicate with another, how is anything supposed to be accomplished? Having several l evels of government involved just makes everything in a disaster situation more complicated. I believe the U. S. needs a more centralized form of a disaster agency. If a natural disaster is to happen there ought to be one plan of action carried out by one agency. Having this central organization would have alleviated much of the confusion and frustration that we witnessed with Katrina. According to Director Brown, after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans’ local government did not communicate very well with FEMA officials. Brown says he was never told what sorts of manpower or supplies were needed (Marcela 2009). However Louisiana National Guard Adjutant General Bennett Landreneau stated in his interview that he specifically sent requests to FEMA for what help was required. A few days after he was interviewed he sent in the documentation that proves he did indeed ask specific needs from FEMA (Marcela 2009). FEMA Director Brown lied on television. So often politicians lie about issues, why can’t they ever own up to their mistakes and just tell the truth. I believe the American public deserves to know the truth on issues, especially when dealing with something like Hurricane Katrina. In a natural disaster it is at first the state that has control. If the state becomes overwhelmed and can no longer control the situation, the state then needs to clearly articulate what services they are in need of, and that is when FEMA will then intervene. Several days after the storm, Director Brown apparently believed the state of Louisiana had the situation under control (Marcela, 2005). While the Mayor and Governor thought FEMA was going to step in and help. There was a period of time where nobody knew who was in command. Consequently there was a period of time where the many of the people of New Orleans had no food, water or shelter, and that is when many lives were lost. It bewilders one to think that this sort of miscommunication and misunderstanding could happen to a country like the United States. One would assume that our country would have one of the best disaster protocols in the world, considering our global supremacy. I will now touch on another part of U. S. government that I consider to have flaws, and that is bureaucracy. A bureaucracy as defined by Greenberg & Page (2009) is â€Å" A large, complex organization characterized by a hierarchical set of offices, each with a specific task, controlled through a clear chain of command, and where appointment and advancement of personnel is based on merit† (Ch. 13). Individuals are appointed not elected and therein lies a problem. Anyone that the president chooses can be in a position of power. Many believe Michael Brown was absolutely not qualified for the position of FEMA Director (Greenberg & Page, 2009, Ch. 13). After all he had no formal training in disaster relief or anything of that sort in his resume. Positions like FEMA director should have to have some sort of qualifications. One cannot just be put into that situation like Director Brown was. I believe that positions such as director should be an elected one. When someone who is not qualified is put in charge of one of biggest natural disasters in U. S. history, nothing good can come from it. And indeed that is exactly what happened, total chaos and confusion took place due to Director Michael Brown’s incompetence. After the attacks of 9/11 President Bush reorganized FEMA into a Bureaucracy. FEMA was downgraded and became a sub department of homeland security. Many believe this reorganization really hurt FEMA. Personnel, IT systems and other resources were dramatically reduced due to President Bush’s budget cutting agenda. The President also cut project impact, a program started by FEMA to help communities become disaster resistant, due to tax cuts (Marcella 2009). In addition 80 million dollars was taken from FEMA and distributed to other sectors in homeland security. This is just another problem of FEMA becoming a part of the U. S. bureaucracy. How would anyone expect an organization to do their job when they have had significant funds and resources cut? Clearly part of FEMA’s inadequacies can be linked to President Bush’s choice to make tax cuts and cut parts of their program. Again, the reorganization of FEMA was really detrimental. Hopefully in the future leaders will make more conscientious choices about which agencies should be cut back. Most would believe a disaster relief program such as FEMA should have some of the most funding and personnel available. Apparently former President Bush thought otherwise. Although President Bush does deserves a little bit of a break considering â€Å"the sheer size and complexity of the executive branch. There is so much going on, in so many agencies, involving the activity of tens of thousands of people, that simply keeping abreast of it all is no easy task† (Greenberg & Page, 2009, Ch. 13). He is in charge of so much in the U. S. there is no way he could keep an eye on everything. So while the President may have indirectly affected FEMA by inducing budget cuts, he cannot be held directly responsible for the government’s lack of involvement in Katrina at the national level. The president relies on his appointees to do their jobs, which Director Brown did not fulfill. However, President Bush choose Michael Brown, so maybe Bush is in fact responsible for FEMA’s inadequacies. Obviously having a large federal bureaucracy is an inconvenience to say the least. I believe Hurricane Katrina has taught our country a few lessons. First of all that while having a federal bureaucracy has its pluses, it also brings with it it’s many flaws, and the main one being communication. Our government should be striving for interoperability. The ability for several groups at all levels of the government to communicate what resources are needed during a natural disaster will prove to be the single most important tool during a relief operation. I hope that in the future, Presidents will choose more wisely when filling high-level positions such as FEMA Director, and not just appoint those who helped with their campaign. I also hope more cities around the country have better evacuation plans than those of New Orleans. I hope National Guard buildings are better equipped with resources and manpower in the future, especially along costal areas that are known to have hurricanes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Offshore oil in gulf of mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Offshore oil in gulf of mexico - Essay Example However, oil production is an activity that can highly affect the environment, an issue, which has not been taken into consideration by those managing oil production activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Indeed, up to now, the oil production activity in the Gulf of Mexico has been stigmatized by a series of accidents, which have led to severe environmental damages, as explained below. The responsibility of the firms managing the particular activities but also of the local authorities is high. The need for measures for ensuring the limitation of risks related to oil production in the Gulf of Mexico is emergent. The oil spill caused in the region because of the accident occurred in 2010 in BP’s platform has been characterized as the worst environmental damage in the history of USA; measures should be taken in order to ensure that similar damages would not be developed in the specific region. The economic and social benefits of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico cannot be ignored b ut they should not be considered as of higher importance compared to the local natural environment the damages on which because of oil production can be long term. The Gulf of Mexico covers an area of about 172580 miles (Pinet 494). There are two main entryways for the specific region; ‘the first one is located between Yucatan and western Cuba and the other between Southern Florida and northern Cuba’ (Pinet 494). ... developed in 1987 the amount of oil available in the specific region was estimated to 9 million barrels but a later research indicated an extremely high amount of oil trapped in the Gulf of Mexico, i.e. about 45 million barrels (Gertz 2008). Because of its importance in terms of energy but also in terms of the natural environment, the region has been set under the close control of USA government which has promoted appropriate legislative texts for ensuring the protection of the region from over-exploitation (Humphries 2); the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 is such text (Humphries 2). The above text, which was introduced by President Bush, bans leasing in regard to the major part of Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Humphries 2). Still, there are certain pieces of the Gulf where no limits exist in regard to their exploitation through drilling projects. In ‘April 17, 2009, the USA court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’ (Humphries 2) held that existing lea sing scheme related to the region should be cancelled and reviewed by the relevant USA authorities as its terms were not clearly defined. It is clear that oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has to be aligned with the legislation of the countries having interests in the particular region, such as Mexico, the USA and Cuba. Since the accident of April 2010 in BP’s platform in the Gulf of Mexico, drilling activities in the region have been temporarily banned in order for the damages on the environment to be controlled. Recently, US regulators approved BP’s new drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico (Economic Times 2011), a fact indicating that oil production in the particular region is difficult to be terminated, despite the severe effects of 2010 oil spill. The significant interests in terms of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Co-ordinating report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Co-ordinating report - Assignment Example According to Goleman (1996), it is necessary to be able to learn the emotions of others so as to be able to respond to their needs. This makes it easy for a team to work together. Students also tend to learn more when they are happy and relaxed as compared to when they are angry, depressed or anxious. The general environment of a student determines how much the student can learn as well (Goleman, 1996.) According to Mintzberg (1973), the manager has the leadership task to set a favourable environment for the organizations to work. The manager should use their position facilitate a flow of information, make binding and progressive decisions as well as consider individual and organizational needs to set plans that will enable both achieve their targets. By so doing, the manager will be in a position to keep the team motivated. Mintzberg (1973) feels that there should be deliberate effort to understand individual behaviour so as to fast track the progress of determining leaders in a team. Learning is the core driver of change. To make learning more conducive, it is best practice to make it more engaging and interactive. According to Tuckman (1965), groups of whichever setting must strive to accomplish a set of goals. Working to achieve these goals will enable group members to interact with one another. Tuckman (1965) feels that groups follow some stages to achieve a stage of stability and mutual respect. These are normal occurrence and it’s only the most resilient groups that manage to reach the level of stability. According to Belbin (2000), it is best to stipulate group functions of a team as well as roles. These roles and functions also need to be revised over time to give equal chance for all members of the team to take a certain responsibility. According to Mintzberg (1973), teams will work effectively when there is structure in place. A manager in the team should

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Prospetive study of major dietry patterns and risk of coronary heart Essay

Prospetive study of major dietry patterns and risk of coronary heart disease in men (Epidemology case study) - Essay Example Two major dietary patterns were observed: prudent, which is heavy on vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry; and western, loaded with red and processed meats, refined grain, desserts, French fries, and dairy. Increased prudent patterns were found to decrease incidence of CHD while increased western pattern also increased the CHD incidence. Previous researches correlated CHD to single nutrients in the diet. This study considered overall dietary patterns in subjects for 8 years and how these relate to the occurrence of CHD within the study period. Diet plays an important role in disease as observed in disease occurrence in countries that have a distinct dietary pattern. The study is appropriate because it considers the interaction of the different components in the diet taking into consideration food preferences and habitual food use. The study is also very appropriate and timely because of the high incidence of CHD in many countries and therefore nutritional intervention by recommending changes in dietary patterns may be more acceptable to the public. In this study, exposure refers to the dietary patterns; outcome is the incidence of CHD and confounders are other risk factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, total caloric intake, age, level of physical activity, genetics. Notably, the researchers did their best to remove the effects of confounders through factor analysis. The dietary assessment came from food consumption data provided in the FFQ. The FFQ had itemized 131 items further grouped into 40 distinct categories. Factor analysis was done to derive dietary patterns. Factor analysis removes effects due to lifestyle and other risk factors therefore removing confounding effects. FFQ and factor analysis were appropriate for this type and size of experiment. FFQ was shown in previous studies to effectively determine dietary preferences while factor analysis is appropriate in determining the statistical significance by minimizing systematic errors

Promoting Healthy Eating for Dementia in Residential Homes Essay

Promoting Healthy Eating for Dementia in Residential Homes - Essay Example In fact, individuals who are obese are also considered as malnourished. According to the World Health Organization (2000), malnutrition related to hunger is a life-threatening situtaion. Therefore, it can lead to a significant increase in morbidity and mortality rate. Considering the adverse health effects of malnutrition on patients with dementia, nurses who are assigned to take care of this group of patients should pay more attention to the importance of proper nutrition. The number of people with dementia is expected to increase throughout the United Kingdom (Knapp and Prince, 2007:22-23). For this reason, nurses should search for new ways on how they can improve the physical health of these patients. One of the best and most simple ways to improve the physical health of patients with dementia is to focus on how nurses can effectively promote healthy eating. By promoting healthy eating among patients with dementia, the nurses can protect the patients from becoming sicklier or more vulnerable to other types of illnesses. There are certain types of food that can help prevent the incidence of dementia. For example, vitamin B12 and Folate deficiencies are also associated with developing dementia and cognitive impairment (Bruce Fife, 2011). Fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring is rich in Omega 3 fats. Based on a recent study, doctors suggest that eating fish at least once a week reduces the risk of developing dementia by 60% (McFadden, 2011), Since dementia is hereditary, continuous promotion of healthy eating can help public awareness against dementia. Thus, improving the healthcare practices throughout the United Kingdom. Nurses are the front-liners within a healthcare setting. This explains why most of the patients with dementia are being cared for by the nurses. One of the role and responsibilities of the nurses is to deliver a holistic care to their patients. Therefore, nurses who are currently working in a residential nursing home should continuousl y improve their knowledge and skills on how they can effectively promote a healthy eating lifestyle. 5.0 Literature Review General Facts about Dementia in UK Dementia is â€Å"a global impairment of cognitive function that usually is progressive and may be permanent; interferes with normal social and occupational activities† (Kozier et al., 2004:1449). In most cases, patients with dementia suffers from â€Å"a collection of symptoms, including a decline in memory, reasoning and communication skills, and a gradual loss of skills needed to carry out daily activities† (Knapp and Prince, 2007:2). Patients with dementia are prone to suffer from the rising levels of severe illness coupled with reduced sensory function of taste, smell, and teeth which negatively impacts on the nutritional needs of the patient (Linda, 2005: 221-245). This explains why most of the elderly patients who were diagnosed with dementia are less likely to eat properly as compared to patients with deme ntia who are still young or in the adulthood stage. Furthermore, several studies mentioned that a significant decrease in the metabolic process of elderly patients can also lead to other health complications that are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Relationships with community, family and between male and female are a Essay

Relationships with community, family and between male and female are a constant source of inspiration for Irish writers. Discuss with reference to examples from three genres - Essay Example We would also note that it was indeed Declan Kiberd, the famous professor, author and literary theorist, who criticized the concept of ‘Inventing Ireland’, stating that the literary structure of Ireland was much more than a mere dumping ground of various colonial views. Considered Ireland’s foremost intellectual, Professor Kiebred, who also happened to be an expert in the old Celtic culture and a renowned speaker of the Irish language, argued that the colonial view was superimposed by the English literary class and that there was no truth in their implications. Inventing Ireland was often considered an antidote to the political oppression of a dominant imperial culture and was in reality a fractured theory of a post colonial era which had lesser facts and more farce. The text of ‘Inventing Ireland’ is a comprehensive study of almost all Irish writers and has a large section which is reserved exclusively to highlight the importance of Irish women write rs. (Kiberd, 1997) James Joyce, the author of Dubliners, took cue from the rising Irish Nationalism and depicted his characters as those in search of a national identity. The book discloses the dilemma of the characters that are left standing at a crossroad which has ideas and influences converging through various streams. Out here, confusion reigns supreme and the character is forced to have a better self understanding. The narration, which has children as protagonists, progresses to elderly couples as the stories advance. It highlights the lives and the relationships between males and females and has a direct impact on the author’s intellect to help him provide a true picture of the lives of the Irish Middle Class in the 20 century. The books are incidentally centered on Dublin and provide an insight into the lives and the relationships of a family with the outer world. Considered one of the most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Friend Game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Friend Game - Essay Example In the Collin’s article ‘Friend Game’, we identify the abuse of internet services by teenagers who commit suicidal behavior leading to the death of one teenager by the name Megan Meier. The article explains the different roles of each individual in the death of the girl, by sending malicious messages to her which frustrates the girl leading to her sudden death. Despite Tina’s endless trials to find justice for her lovely daughter, she does not get justice, and in return she turns to make the life of Lori Drew miserable. The Drew’s are aware that their daughter is responsible for the death of Megan, but they deny that fact blaming her that she actually took her life. Justice is denied to the Meier’s despite the endless efforts of the reporters who do the investigation to reveal the reality. Meier is a teenager who needs to be protected from malicious actions, and she is protected by the enforced privacy laws and laws governing the use of social media. In my view, she was denied justice is justified by the reasons discussed in the main body of the essay. Megan as an individual lead a natural lifestyle despite the challenges she faced due to her illness, but her parents were in hand to help her cope with the situation. Lori Drew and Megan lived in the same neighborhood, and they were long time friends who played together during their child hood. She was thirteen years and a volley ball player and to crown it all a Chihuahua manic. Despite all this, she led a gloomy lifestyle as she hated herself and could at times need her space something that pissed off her friends who felt neglected when she was not in the mood to play. Like any other girl, she and her age mates lead a social life that they valued so much to their sense of status and acceptance. Through this, she made new friends and exchanged messages about their social life. The sites allow users to rank their ‘top friends’ for the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

American civil rights movements, why do they form refer to different Essay

American civil rights movements, why do they form refer to different perspectives and use examples to illustrate your points - Essay Example It was able to institute that any form of discrimination was unjust and cannot be put up with, in any place within the country. This also set out a clear example to the oppressed groups around the county and other nations. The black people needed to have the same opportunities in education and working places. They also needed to have equal rights to vote and choose the leaders of their own like (Jarrett 2011). For a long time, it has been not easy for them to get a possibility to move away from the ghetto and be able to get decent jobs. Many of the schools were also segregated, and this made it difficult for the blacks to get good and better education. Moreover, the police forces mostly treated the blacks with contempt and violent behaviour. African Americans and other races that were being oppressed refused this form of rule and decided to defend themselves against it. They sought chances through lawsuits, political redress and other organisations that would fight and stand for thei r rights. The Reasons why the American civil rights Movements were Formed American civil rights movements were protests that were brought out by a group of many people who were against racial inequity in the United States of America. These movements were taken to be organised activities, which worked with an objective to achieve a better end in terms of the relations within the society. These movements took place during a period when the African American rights in the United States of America were being undermined by the whites. The African Americans decided to rally for the legal, political and cultural changes that do prohibits the discrimination of any race (Feinstein 2012). Different groups of citizens have been fighting for the fundamental rights in the American constitution. Because of their skin colour, the black people were not able to receive the same rights and privileges as the whites did. The social unrest that led to the civil rights movements was brought about by these injustices. Over the years in the American history, some courageous African American individuals decided to stand up and lead thousands of the oppressed people against the discrimination they were facing. Rosa Parks After she left the Maxwell Air Force Base, Rosa Parks worked for a couple named Clifford and Virginia Durr. After getting along with them, the couple sponsored her studies at Highlander Folk School in 1955. In essence, the school was a center designed to educate the black community about racial equality and the rights of the workers. Rosa’s quench for fight against racial discrimination was triggered by the murder of Emmett Till, a 14 year old black male, who was murdered by white men who suspected that he had flirted with a white woman (Eagles et al 1986). In addition, after Rosa took a job at the Montgomery Fair Department store, she witnessed a series of racial discrimination especially in buses, which she used to travel in to and from work. At that time, Blac ks were not allowed to sit at the front row seats. These were reserved for whites. To make the situation worse, if the whites bonded the bus and found that the bus was full, and the blacks were discriminated. With such deliberations, Rosa and other activists in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay Example for Free

Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay Cell phone use while driving has caused unnecessary injuries and deaths throughout history. Those injuries and deaths prove the ignorance of the victims and set an example for others. Many people have lost their loved ones in cell phone related accidents but with every experience comes a lesson, which in this case is that cell phone use while driving should not be allowed. The road would be a safer place to drive if the use of cell phone while driving is prohibited. The risk of accidents increases significantly when a cell phone is being used while driving. A study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis estimated that six percent of vehicle crashes causes about 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries a year, which can be linked to one or more of the drivers involved using a cell phone (â€Å"Cell Phone Use While Driving a Big Cause of Accidents†). According to this study, the use of cell phones while driving is causing many unnecessary deaths and injuries. To treat those irresponsible drivers, all the citizens of the United States pay in the form of taxes. The forbiddance of cell phone use while driving will not only make the United States to be a safer nation, but it will also make it a happier nation. Many people are unaware of the dangers and effects of cell phone use while driving. To most people, drunk driving is a very serious crime, but using a cell phone while driving is a trivial matter. However, a research by the University of Utah proves that drivers drunk at the .08 percent blood-alcohol level drive slower than drivers using a cell phone. Driving with a cell phone is more distracting because drivers tend to concentrate less on the road, and more on the conversation, which leads to many accidents. If one is caught driving drunk in Michigan, his or her license is suspended for several months and an additional fine ranging from $250-$10,000 has to be paid. If the crime of drunk driving has such punishments, then the use of cell phone while driving should also have severe punishments. To many people, it may seem that cell phone use while driving should not be outlawed because emergency calls need to be attended or made any time. However, people can pull over to the side and make or receive emergency calls. According to the Human Factors and Ergonomics society, cell phone distraction puts the driver at a four time great risk of a crash. It may take more effort to pull over, stop, and call, but doing so would decrease the number of accidents by a massive number. . Even using cell phones during school times can be a big problem. It can  distract a students studies, since he/she will be too busy texting and calling people; he/she wont be able to concentrate and will keep thinking about those text messages. If there is something bad then they will be depressed all day long. If parents need to talk to their children urgently they will be able to talk to them during school. Some students during classes are always tense because of someone/something so by calling or texting they can clear their tension and focus on studies. Cell phones will help them solve the problems outside the school so they can peacefully study. Schools should understand how important it is for students to study and this is only possible if they are not thinking about anything else. The rate of accidents for drivers using cell phones has increased alarmingly. The convenience that cell phones offer must be judged against the hazards that they pose. Therefore, the government should ban the use of cell phones while driving, which would not only decrease the number of traffic injuries and deaths, but will also make the road a safer place to drive. The use of cell phone while driving is a crime that should be outlawed and punished for severely. There are two dangers linked with driving and cell phone use, including text messaging. First, drivers should not take their eyes off the road while dialing. Secondly if the drivers start talking on the phone then they get so lost in others conversations that they have no clue what is going on in front of them which causes them to get in an accident. That is one reason why so many states and countries banned the use of cell phones while driving and even in schools so young teenage people know when they have to use the phone and when not to.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business Plan For Entering Chinese Beer Market Marketing Essay

Business Plan For Entering Chinese Beer Market Marketing Essay The Chinese beer market has grown at a strong rate between 2004 and 2008. It has generated total revenues of $ 42.8 billion in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% for the period spanning 2004-2008. Market consumption volumes increased with a CAGR of 9.2% for the period 2004- 2008, to reach a total of 38.8 billion liters in 2008. The markets volume is expected to rise to 53.6 billion liters by the end of 2013, representing a CAGR of 6.7% for the 2008-2013 period. Standard lager sales proved the most lucrative for the Chinese beer market in 2008, generating total revenues of $34.7 billion, equivalent to 81.2% of the markets overall value. In comparison, sales of premium lager generated revenues of $7.7 billion in 2008, equating to 18% of the markets aggregate revenues. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 9.4% for the five-year period 2008-2013, which is expected to lead the market to a value of $67 billion by the end of 2013.  [1]   Market Value The Chinese beer market grew by 14.9% in 2008 to reach a value of $42.8 billion. Market Value Forecast In 2013, the Chinese beer market is forecast to have a value of $67 billion, an increase of 56.7% since 2008. Market Volume The Chinese beer market grew by 12.5% in 2008 to reach a volume of 38.8 billion liters. Market Volume Forecast In 2013, the Chinese beer market is forecast to have a volume of 53.6 billion liters, an increase of 38.4% since 2008. Market Segmentation I Standard lager sales dominated the Chinese beer market, generating 81.2% of the markets overall revenues. Market Segmentation II China accounts for 42.9% of the Asia-Pacific beer markets value. Market Share Anheuser-Busch InBev accounts for 24% share of the Chinese beer markets volume. ( Distribution Supermarkets and hypermarkets distribute 35.7% of the Chinese beer markets volume. 1.2 Situation of Chinese beer industry The Chinese beer market has grown at an astounding pace in recent years, spurred on by the massive levels of foreign investment in the market, along with the rise in the average levels of consumer spending in China, thanks to the economic reform policies of the government. China has now overtaken the US to become the largest national beer market in the world. However, per capita beer consumption in China remains very low relatively meaning that there remains great scope for development.  [2]   In 2013, the Chinese beer market is forecast to have a volume of 53.6 billion liters, an increase of 38.4% since 2008. The compound annual growth rate of the market volume in the period 2008-2013 is predicted to be 6.7%.  [3]   Table 1 Source: Datamonitor 2. The strategic triangle ( the 3Cs ) 2.1 The Corporation Aire Valley Breweries is a medium-scale brewery that is located in UK, it is an effective company with high cost structure but it sells its premium bottled product at premium prices so it is not a real problem. Its current production includes: Hostenbeck. European style lager beer, 5% abv, in 260 ml glass bottles San Bernardo. European style lager beer, 5.5% abv, in 240 ml glass bottles Camelot. British style dark bitter beer, 4.5% abv, in 500 ml glass bottles Ark Royal. British style dark bitter beer, 5.6% abv, in 500 ml glass bottles Pot of Gold. Irish style dark stout beer, 5.2% ABV, IN 500 ml glass bottles 2.2 The Customer Aire Valley Breweries plc intends to provide the customer with more than just a traditional brew. We intend to distribuite a high quality brew that will not only be refreshing and pleasurable, but also encourage gatherings and sharing of fun. Our customers can be feel safe about the highest quality standards of all our products. Looking at the consumer, there are some differences between the ways different alcoholic beverages are used in different occasions, but many product choice are a matter of personal taste this makes beer vulnerable to the threat of other alcoholic beverages and many people are about the idea that wine can be more healthy. Overall, there is a moderate threat from other type of alchoolic beverages. Our target customer will be people of any ages and gender but our products are more suitable for over 20 years men and women. 2.3 The Competitors We should identify competition in terms of companies already operating in the Chinese market that product similar type of beers. Hence there will be a need to strongly differentiate ouselves from other already well-settled businesses. However after an accurate market analysis, our competition comes in several forms: 1. The biggest competitors are Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA, Tsingtao Brewery, Company Ltd., SABMiller Plc. Been present on the market for a long period, they have a wide and established distribution network that they utilize to their advantage. In order to compete with these leading companies we intend to strongly undertake new channel and distribution development in addition to adopting aggressive marketing strategies. 2. Other manufacturers of traditional brews including homes and local bars will also constitute our competitors. They often have access to the local and remote areas and knowledge of these areas. However their products are not of high standard, which we shall fully exploit. Anheuser-Busch InBev accounts for 24% share of the Chinese beer markets volume. In comparison, SABMiller accounts for 15.9% of the total markets volume.  [4]   Table 2 Source: Datamonitor 3. The market segmentation of the Chinese beer industry The Chinese beer market is fragmented, with top three players holding 53.6% of the total market by volume. The market leaders are companies that own a strong well-known brand-image and operate within various segments of the market, which is possible due to the ease of increase in production capacity once a company is established and has already gained customers loyalty. There is a waste differentiation of products in the market, as there are many varieties within the beer category, including: ales, stouts, low/no alcohol, standard and premium lager, and specialty beer. Entry into this market would be highly dependent on the growth prospects and also on the size of the existing players. Furthermore, beer can be vulnerable to the threat from substitutes such as spirits and wine, due to low switching costs and consumption patterns in different geographies. 3.1 Geographic There are difference between Northerners and Southerners. There are large numbers of beer consumers chose to drink at dinning and banquet in the 6 selected metropolitan consumer markets; namely Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Chengdu, Wuhan and Guangzhou. A comparably distinct preference for drink-places was identified as frequenting at bar counters in Guangzhou (15.7%).  [5]   Table 3 Source: IMI Consumer Behavioural Lifestyle Yearbook 2002-2003 3.2 Demographic In China, women population consume more beer beverage than men, almost 40% of consumers in Beijing are women. Table 4 Source: IMI Consumer Behavioural Lifestyle Yearbook 2002-2003 3.3 Psychographic Supermarket chains are often able to negotiate very strongly on price with beer producers, which fact boosts buyer power significantly. Switching costs for buyers are not particularly high, which increases buyer power in all markets. Beer producers can differentiate their products quite strongly, not only by the overall segment (lager or bitter, for example) but also by brand, ingredients, style, and so on.  [6]   3.4 Behavioural The IMI survey classifies beer beverage consumers into heavy and non-heavy drinkers. Heavy consumers drink habit ranges from daily drinking to a minimum of once or twice a week. Beijing beer beverage consumers are mostly heavy drinkers (67%). In Guangzhou, the heavy and non-heavy consumers are equally distributed in numbers. Table 5 Source: IMI Consumer Behavioural Lifestyle Yearbook 2002-2003 About 30% of the Beijing heavy drinkers are women, as compared to the other two metropolitan consumer markets in less than 20%. All the women consumer in the three selected metropolitan markets behave differently, ranging from frequency in drinking, preference for drinking-places, brand images, and personal lifestyles.  [7]   Table 6 Source: IMI Consumer Behavioural Lifestyle Yearbook 2002-2003 4. The 4Ps Marketing Mix 4.1 Product Aire Valley Brewwerie plc should produces products of high quality and impeccable taste. Our products will be positioned very carefully. They will be of extremely high quality to ensure customer satisfaction, supported by impeccable service to our customers. As high quality beers can be sold at premium prices, it is now possible to enter the market on a small scale as a microbrewery. Investment in production equipment can be recouped by adding a good margin to the price of the end-product. Standard lager sales dominated the Chinese beer market, generating 81.2% of the markets overall revenues. Sales of premium lager generated 18% of the markets aggregate revenues.(Datamonitor)  [8]   Table 7 Source: Datamonitor 4.2 Pricing We will ensure that our products prices take into consideration peoples budgets. However these prices will also take into consideration the cost of production and distribution 4.3 Distribution These products will be extensively distributed to remote,  yet extremely viable areas where the market is appreciative of readily available, good quality brew. We intend to establish an brilliant network that will enable us to rapidly respond to customers orders, and be available in remote areas our competitor has not yet exploited. 4.4 Promotion The marketing strategy we will adopt will convey the sense of quality and satisfaction in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. The promotion will involve integrating advertising, events, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing. In the long term Internet marketing will also be undertaken, which will help to increase the knowledge of our products to the various market target segments. Web presence is a natural objective in reaching the appropriate potential customers. Well-done brochures, company profiles and business cards often has an attraction effect on clients contemplating on ordering our products. Hence this will undoubtedly generate increased sales of our products. 5. SWOT Analysis In a rapidly growing economy market as the Chinese one we should focus on our strenghts to respond quickly to what the market dictates and to provide quality brew in such a highly lucrative market. We should also acknowledge our weakness of a medium-sized company without any international experience. 5.1 Strenghts Market segmentation strategies Focused marketing campaign Established company in UK with strong capital base Different type of products for different tastes 5.2 Weaknesses Lack of reputation in the Chinese market No knowledge about Chinese culture and behaviour Chinese distribution channel different from UK one Introduction of Chinese empà ²yees who have not previously worked in the company present a challenge to the company. 5.3 Opportunities The new generation are more interested in foreign brand and attractive packaging Internet marketing and sales Chinese beer market had a huge demand in the last years followed by population growth 5.4 Threats Existing competition in Chinese beer market Marketing strategies and tactics by other established European companies 6. Conclusion The brewing industry has been one of those quickest to modernise in China. Despite its huge market size, there remains great scope for development, and many new opportunities are still available in China. Per capita beer consumption in China has grown to near parity with other regional market, and so development in the market will in future rely much more on raising the average value of purchases, and persuading Chinese consumers to trade-up to premium products and brands.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The American Civil War Essay -- American History

The American Civil War emanated feelings of joy, exuberance, and glory, yet it substantiated loneliness, destruction, and death. In the antebellum South, nationalism and pride forged a new path, and society saw soldiers as heroic actors and war as their stage. While these actors played out their roles, the audience, the world, could see that their stage did not make them heroes, but war deprived them of body and soul. In Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier develops this excitement and progression to hardship in both Ada and Inman’s journeys. The progression, corroborated by historical evidence, shows that while the antebellum South held a Romantic ideal of war, war itself negated the romantic opinion and became destructive, monstrous, and deadly. At the onset of civil war, a state of trepidation would be assumed; however, Cold Mountain shows that Southern society did not fear war but eagerly anticipated it. Inman and Ada show that people did not dread war, but instead school teachers spoke of the â€Å"grand wars fought in Ancient England† (5), and â€Å" each night, there was music and dancing† (140). People did not live in fear, but instead, a â€Å"strange time of war fever† (140) and excitement was created. â€Å"Young men considered dull and charmless suddenly acquired an aura of glamour shimmering about them† (140), not because they were instantly revitalized by Athena, but because they were adding themselves to the glory and honor of the ideal Romantic war. Society in Cold Mountain did not fear death, but they spoke of the glory of war, and had parties celebrating the coming war. Mrs. McKennett, a woman Ada converses with, â€Å"[holds] opinions exactly in accord with every newspaperâ₠¬  (180), that the fighting is â€Å"glorious, tragic, and he... ...inary Times of the Civil War Soldier. Ed. David Madden. New York: Simon & Schuster,2000. Billings, John D. Soldier Life in the Union and Confederate Armies. Ed. Philip Van Doren Stern. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. Eaton, Clement. A History of the Southern Confederacy. New York: The Free Press, 1965. Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain. New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997. Martin, Bessie. A Rich Man’s War, A Poor Man’s Fight. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2003. Ratchford, James Wylie. Memoirs of a Confederate Staff Officer: From Bethel to Bentonville. Eds. James E. Hansen II & Evelyn Sieburg. Shippensburg: Beidel Printing House, Inc. 1998. Thomas, Emory M. The Confederate Nation: 1861-1865. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. Vinovskis, Maris, ed. Toward a Social History of the American Civil War. 1st. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

differences in buying and leasing :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Buying and leasing are two very different approaches to obtaining a vehicle while both have their advantages and disadvantages both can also benefit the purchaser. There are many differences between the two but the primary difference is with buying money is paid to own the vehicle and with leasing money is paid to use the vehicle. According to the site, of the 15.5 million new vehicles sold in 1998 a record 5.3 million were leased. The three main differences are payments/price,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   depreciation value, and valuable differences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Monthly payments and the money put down play a big roll in obtaining a vehicle. Buying requires a down payment in the form of trade or cash whereas leasing requires little or no down payment. Monthly payments are based on the purchase price of the vehicle if bought, but if leased payments are based on the use of the vehicle. Although if leasing, the payment terms are incredibly shorter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vehicle depreciation also varies with a purchase or a lease. If someone is buying, the tax deduction will equal the full depreciation of assets per the I.R.S. schedule. If leasing it is optional to buy out the lease at the end of the term, rather than go by the I.R.S. schedule. With buying, the finance period can extend beyond the warranty period, unless warranty options are added. In contrast, with leasing, the warranty will last for the full term of the finance period no matter what.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The valuable differences in the two make the decision a lot easier. Like stated earlier the main difference is with buying, money is paid to â€Å"own† the vehicle with leasing money is paid to â€Å"use† the vehicle. If buying insurance companies are very flexible however if leasing insurance companies are more complex. More miles can be put on a car if it is bought, like as many as 500,000 if the owner wishes. Conversely, only 12,000 miles a year are available on the average with a lease program. Not only can newer vehicles be bought more often with leasing, but also more and better vehicles for the price. Large amounts of money are paid out to own the vehicle, whereas with leasing the payments are smaller.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Being Caucasian at the Brown versus Board Art Exhibit :: Race Racial Segregation

NARRATIVE: running out of white things to wear First and foremost- it was empty. In two years this was my first time to the Krannert Art Museum. I don’t know quite how this could be, because I’m an art student. But the building is on the complete opposite end of the city from both where I live and where my classes are, so I can’t fault others for not traversing here on occasion. I walk into the Brown vs. Board of Education exhibit, and I see no one. The only people there were my friend Diane and myself, both of us are Caucasian. There was silence. Except for my dubious observation that it was indeed the display we were looking for. If the large black on white lettering describing the exhibit wasn’t enough, the black and white photography would alone have been a dead give away. I couldn’t help but think: ‘how clichà ©.’ There were a series of maybe six photos of two women: one white, the other black. The series showed them in confrontation over a chair. Who had the seat, or â€Å"power† so to speak. It wasn’t a terribly innovative piece in my mind. How many times have we seen the struggle between the two races in varying artistic genres? It was very straightforward and too simplistic for my tastes. The message was very blatant and clear, though, that the struggle between whites and blacks is indeed far from over. Turning around, I saw white dinner plates on podiums in the center of this first room. Each plate has a different inscription printed on its face. The texts mostly commemorate different individuals for their contributions to the civil rights movement. I’d have to say that this was an interesting portion of the exhibit. But I only think so looking back. At the time they were just nice shiny plates with some notable individuals names written on them. Now it seems like they have more significance. Like since they seem carefully and finely crafted it gives them more symbolic merit. Plates are common in ancient art exhibits, but they are a rarity in contemporary displays. It seems like a tactic in creating something that will be around for centuries and not be forgotten. The entrance to the second room is a striking surge of color.

Greetings Essay

Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other animals) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. While greeting customs are highlyculture- and situation-specific and may change within a culture depending on social status and relationship, they exist in all known human cultures. Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other than gestures. A greeting can also be expressed in written communications, such as letters and emails. Greetings are often, but not always, used just prior to a conversation. Some epochs and cultures have had very elaborate greeting rituals, e. g. , greeting of a king. Secret societies have clandestine greeting rituals that allow members to recognize common membership. A greeting can consist of an exchange of formal expression, a simple kiss, a hand shake or a hug. The form of greeting is determined by social etiquette, as well as by the relationship of the people. Beyond the formal greeting, which may involve a verbal acknowledgment and sometimes a hand shake, facial expression, gestures, body language and eye contact can all signal what type of greeting is expected. Gestures are the most obvious signal, for instance greeting someone with open arms is generally a sign that a hug is expected. [1] However, crossing arms can be interpreted as a sign of hostility. Facial expression, body language and eye contact reflect emotions and interest level. A frown, slouching and lowered eye contact suggests disinterest, while smiling and an exuberant attitude is a sign of welcome. Throughout all cultures people greet one another as a sign of recognition, affection, friendship and reverence. While hand shakes, hugs, bows, nods and nose rubbing are all acceptable greetings, the most common greeting is a kiss, or kisses, on the cheek. Cheek kissing is most common in Europe and Latin America and has become a standard greeting in Southern Europe. [2] While cheek kissing is a common greeting in many cultures, each country has a unique way of kissing. In Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Egypt it is customary to â€Å"kiss three times, n alternate cheeks. †[3] Italians, Hungarians and Romanians usually kiss twice in a greeting and in Mexico and Belgium only one kiss is necessary. In the Galapagos women kiss on the right cheek only[4] and in Oman it is not unusual for men to kiss one another on the nose after a handshake. [5] French culture accepts a number of ways to greet depending on the region. Two kisses are most common throughout all of France but in Provence three kisses are given and in Nantes four are exchanged. [6] However, in Finistere at the western tip of Brittany and Deux-Sevres in the Poitou-Charentes region, one kiss is preferred.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Elementary School and Middle School: The Differences and Similarities Essay

What is it like to transition from elementary to middle school? That is a question many kids ask each year. Having experienced both, I can tell you that there are plenty of similarities as well as some very big differences between the two types of schools. Elementary schools and middle schools have many traits in common. Typically, both are open five days a week for a set number of hours each day. Students sit at desks in classrooms and are expected to listen to and learn from their teachers. There is a set time for lunch. Each day, students are given homework assignments. Students take quizzes and tests. In all of these ways, middle school should somewhat feel similar to new students. However, there are some big changes that new middle school students should be aware of. In elementary school, students usually stay in the same classroom with one teacher for most of the day. This is not the case in middle school, where the students typically have a different teacher for each subject. Students must move to a different classroom for each subject too. Since there is not one classroom in which to store supplies, middle schools often provide students with lockers. For many kids, getting a locker is a welcome rite of passage. Making the move from elementary school to middle school may seem scary, but knowing that to expect can really help. Elementary school provides kids with the experiences they need to be ready for middle school. Even though moving on means adjusting to a new environment, some things, including many of the classmates who accompany you, will remain the same.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


I am also certified In First Ad CPRM In case any children choke. I am also familiar with the centers emergency evacuation plan. Another way we can ensure safety In our classrooms Is by Inspecting all the toys In the classroom and making sure they are safe for the children. Functional Area #2 Health- In order to promote good health and nutrition and prevent Illness make sure that when the children walk In the center they stop at the hand assonating station and clean their hands to prevent any illness or bacteria from home.When prepping any type of food we always wear gloves. We also use gloves In sitting with toileting and after wiping noses to avoid spreading germs. I also am a mandated reporter and trained to recognize child abuse and report it. I sanitize toys and cots on a weekly basis. We make sure blankets are sent home every Friday to be washed. I follow all my centers procedures on sick child guidelines to make sure illness isn't spread in the classroom. We have a food program based on the Arch Diocese Of Philadelphia.It meets all the guidelines needed to provide the children nutritional need. I like it because they offer a variety of nutritional foods such as rest fruit and veggies and milk, whole grains etc to meet the children's need. Functional Goal #3 Learning Environment- I believe that my classroom is set up in a matter where the children will have space to utilize all activities such as: Dramatic Play- In dramatic play the children have all the needs of a real kitchen with recyclable items such as empty cereal boxes, milk gallons, water bottles etc..They have dress up where they can dress up as their favorite profession or Just plain old â€Å"mommy† and â€Å"daddy. We encourage the children to use their imaginations in this area. We also eave a â€Å"cozy corner away from any noisy centers where they can wind down and read a book, this is a good thing to do right before nap time. Then we have our table toys which we use as structure pl ay where they use logos or Intertwining toys which are also good for fine motor and and cognitive skills.This also gives them a chance to build relationship with teachers and peers. Then we have our structurally time that can range from arts and crafts for the theme of the week AR letters and numbers of the week In which we discuss at circle time. So In conclusion I feel that all these things are vital In the growth of a child. and I m here to ensure all these things are put Into place. Safe is by making sure all cleaning materials are put up and out of sight of children to avoid any poisoning.I also make sure that our first aid kit is well stocked with the things we need such as band aids, creams and bottled water. I am also certified in First Aid CPRM in case any children choke. I am also familiar with the centers emergency evacuation plan. Another way we can ensure safety in our classrooms is by inspecting all the toys in the classroom and making sure they are safe for the preven t illness I make sure that when the children walk in the center they stop at the here they can dress up as their favorite profession or Just plain old â€Å"mommy' and â€Å"daddy'.We encourage the children to use their imaginations in this area. We also have a â€Å"cozy corner† away from any noisy centers where they can wind down and toys which we use as structure play where they use logos or intertwining toys which build relationship with teachers and peers. Then we have our situational time that the week in which we discuss at circle time. So in conclusion I feel that all these things are vital in the growth of a child. and I am here to ensure all these things are put into place.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

I Sit and Look Out Essay

Walt Whitman, a prominent American anti war poet, who lived during the times of civil war witnessed the condition around him with his own eyes and transformed it into literature which still stands relevant to our lives today. The advent of capitalism during this time and its rapid proliferation brought with itself several ramifications. Human concerns were relegated and principles were sidelined. In response to all the atrocities, the people looked around and turned a blind eye towards them. They stood as detached observers who did not try to bring about a change. The poem ‘ I sit and look out ‘ reflects the 21st century apathy of a modern observer. It is written in free verse and makes use of the effect known as symbolism. The basic tone of the poem is extremely pessimistic and the poet uses strong visual impactful words, which conjure up to create a strong impact as well as a strong apocalyptical imagery in our minds. Right from the beginning of the poem, one can feel the poet’s disillusionment of the things of the world. He states that he sits and looks out upon ‘ all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame’. The words used in these first two lines are extremely pessimistic and negative in nature. People in today’s world do many things that are against the normal norms. These deeds are committed due to their deviant behavior. When such people realize their mistakes, they have within themselves a feeling of shame and humiliation, which slowly eats away their soul. Also, the word ‘oppression’ gives us an insight into how humans today oppress fellow human beings for completely futile reasons. This shame and oppression ultimately gives rise to a feeling of sorrow accompanied by extreme distress and regret. He also goes on to say that he hears ‘ secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds do ne’. This refers to the soldiers who have been forced to fight and kill in war for their country. It highlights the extreme mental stress that these young men encounter. In the second quarter of the poem, the poet highlights how women in the world are misused and are treated as mere objects for sexual gratification. He sees ‘ in low life, the mother misused by her children. He states that the ‘mother’ who had gifted her children with a wonderful life and had nourished them is now left to die. She lies alone ‘ dying, neglected and gaunt’. He also sees‘ the wife misused by her husband’ and dubs the husband as ‘ a treacherous seducer of young women’. All this shows us how, despite being in the 21st century, the way the women are treated has not yet changed. Even today, women are the least educated, most oppressed and the most objectified part of the society. Most importantly the poet highlights the callous nature of relationships in t oday’s world and in the new generations. His eyes ‘ mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love ‘which are trying to be hidden. For the poet these are mere sights, and he does not posses any insights regarding them. He also sees ‘ the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny’. He also talks about martyrs and prisoners. All these are the by products of deadly war. In a gruesome imagine, we imagine sailors throwing out people out of the ship so that more food is left for the remaining. It can be interpreted as the policy of the survival of the fittest. The irony here is that, something that is supposed to life giving (sea/water) is taking the same life away. The final thing that the poet observes is how ‘ arrogant persons’ cast ‘ slights and degradation’ and oppress ‘the poor’ and ‘Negroes’. These people are treated in an inhuman way and are subjected to penury, deterioration and severe repression. The poet sees all this on earth, hears about them and yet remains silent. This last line ‘ see, hear and am silent ‘ is perhaps the most significant line in the poem as it brings out the satirical view of the poet as he scorns the modern observer. The whole poem revolves around the theme of 21st century apathy. It is an indictment on society in general for its inability to facilitate meaningful change within itself. People in today’s world see many wrong things occurring around them. However, they don’t try to make a difference and remain unaffected and indifferent. They seem to be overly pre occupied with their own safety and comforts and have lost their moral sense of empathy. In this poem the poet assumes the role of a representative of the society and condemns our lack of apathy, unwillingness to act and our lack of courage to actually take a stand on theses issues. He chastises the lack of moral valor in humans today, saying that we are too unconcerned to open our eyes to the world around us and make our own decisions. He makes an attempt to inspire emotions of disgust, anger and guilt but perhaps most of all, a sense of motivation. He hopes that this sense of motivation will allow the people to notice the deplorable condition, which they have put  themselves in, and wants them to make an effort to make the world into a much harmonious place. Moreover, The real beauty of this poem is that, though it was written about a hundred years ago, it is still relevant in today’s world.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 27

Summary - Essay Example That is how Huxley views the society functioning based on the ideals of a â€Å"Technocracy† – society with lost spiritual belonging and personal transcendence (Miller 2011). Further, the author explains that a technopoly is a more radical concept than technocracy and explains it from the Postman’s perspective, whereas Huxley’s society in the novel is good example of a technopoly. Also, there is analyzed the concept of black-and-white standardization and compared to the Huxley’s case system. Based on this approach the postmodern society becomes more and more limited because of standardization. Miller (2011) provides several examples to illustrate the existing problem, including the problem of standardization of education. Putting of children into groups based on the criteria of their age, and teaching them to learn for good grades as a key factor to career success is one of the problems that the author has identified to be similar to the Robinson’s video and cast idea (Miller, 2011). The author is challenging the established and widely accepted formal working hours and its effectiveness to the overall organization, including the employee, the boss (entrepreneur) and the client. The problem raised in the article lies in the fact that people tend to spend their time at work even when they have done all the tasks. Many office workers spend the last hours at work by surfing the Internet or re-reading emails (the so called â€Å"face time†) as they don’t want to be perceived as idlers. Pozen (2012) explains this behavior can be transcribed as ignoring or even discouraging efficiency in the workplace. Another concern raised here was the common perception of senior managers that people who are working till late hours and during the weekends are â€Å"reliable†, â€Å"dependable†, dedicated† and â€Å"committed† employees (Pozen, 2012).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights In Software Essay

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights In Software - Essay Example In addition, the rules which come under ‘intellectual property right’ offer various techniques for saving these rights of possession depending on their category. However, there are fundamentally 4 kinds of intellectual property rights which are applied to software, copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets. Additionally, each type offers a specific legal defense. For instance, copyrights, patents and trade secrets are utilized to protect the technology itself. Moreover, trademarks do not protect technology; however they are used to protect symbols or names used to differentiate a product in the market (Freibrun, 2011; ZINNOV LLC, 2001; Locklizard, 2011). This paper outlines some of the important ways to protect intellectual property in software industry. This paper will discuss intellectual property rights which are used for software such as copyright, patent and trademark. Copyright Software copyright is a rule or regulation that affects anybody who makes use of a computer, and especially the companies; it is not rare for a company to face civil or yet illegal proceedings for software copyright violation. On the other hand, it is a difficult part of law that is not extensively recognized (Kerr, 2007; InnovAccess, 2009. In addition, software copyright is not fundamentally dissimilar from some other kinds of copyright. Though, there are specific scenario of copyright law that is explicit to software, for the reason that there are realistic dissimilarities among software as well as other aspects that can be copyrighted (poems, books, sculptures, drawings, etc.). Additionally, the copyright law offers a programmer (or in the scenario of a working programmer, that programmer's company) an extensive degree of power over the system/application/program that he or she develops. For instance, the proprietor of copyright in a part of computer software that has the right to stop others from making copies of the software, or some considerable fraction of the software, whether the copy right infringer creates the copy by pasting application on hard disk, floppy disk, CD ROM, or by printing out a hard copy of the code of the software (Kerr, 2007; InnovAccess, 2009). When somebody develops a unique piece of application/code/software, that individual then apply something known as copyright to that application. In addition, applying the copyright to application or software outlines that owner of that particular application has the security of the law thus nobody can attempt to take their software. Additionally, under copyright law, people are not allowed to: (Copley, 2011) Make a copy the application or software intended for other people Loan the software to some other individuals Offer the software on rent to other people Making an illegal installation of application on a network when other people are able to make use of its or access it Moreover, if somebody does not comply with the law or regulation of copyright, they could be pena lized with fines or even through imprisonment. The cause for this is that making software engages work of a lot of people and might take thousands of hours. It is simply fair that all this effort is protected (Copley, 2011). In this scenario, the US Copyright Office recognizes the software to be â€Å"a group of declarations or commands to be employed openly or not directly in a system to carry about a specific output.† However, copyright security is not implemented to thoughts, ideas, program logic, algorithms, techniques or layouts (ClickandCopyright, 2011). In addition, in software copyrights scenario the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Group Productivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Group Productivity - Essay Example It links the management’s philosophy to the employees. Prominence is accorded to the customer service aspect and the organizational values are emphasized by this document. Thus, it conveys the vision of J&J to all its employees and the groups and provides direction to their efforts. Clear objectives wards off the ambiguity on their expectations and improve their performance (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). The training given to the employees on Diversity and Inclusion (Johnson & Johnson, 2012), helps the members from different backgrounds to appreciate the significance of heterogeneity and respect the various cultures. Such an accommodative behavior breeds trust within the group, refines the communication channels and builds a healthy relationship among the members. This factor, along with the other features such as ‘Common Ground’ program for conflict resolution and ‘Employee Resource Groups’ that take advantage of the interests of employees, promote productivity (Johnson & Johnson, 2012). J&J is a workplace that relies heavily on research and development, especially the pharmaceutical division (Johnson & Johnson, 2012). The work culture that fosters innovation also promotes competition, not only between different groups, but also within the group. The employees in some cases need to fight with their own group mates for resource allocation and sharing. Further, the achievements of the groups are highlighted rather than individuals and thus, there is a scope that discrepancies arise among the high and low performers within a group. These aspects lead to a climate of anti-trust and differences ultimately disturbs the group

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Aqua Resources To List On London Stock Exchange Research Project Paper

Aqua Resources To List On London Stock Exchange Project - Research Paper Example In a quest to diversify its portfolio, Aqua resources limited made several investments in subsidiaries such as Aqua Resources (In-Pipe) Holdings Limited, Aqua Resources Asia Holdings Limited, an exempt company incorporated in the Cayman Islands formed in October 2008 and Cooperative Aqua Netherlands Holdings UA, a Dutch co-operative company formed on 22 March 2010. In the company’s short life at the London Stock Exchange, the most significant decision was the tender offer toJPMorgan Private Equity Limited where the company sold out its ordinary shares to 29.9%. This resulted in less than 25% of ordinary shareholding in the public which formed a clear basis for its delisting from the stock exchange market. Table of Contents ABSTRACT 1 List of Tables 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 4 1.1Background of the Study 4 1.2 Justification 5 1.3 Objectives 5 Specific objectives 5 1.4 Hypothesis 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Process of application for listing on LSE 7 2.2 Aqua Resources P erfomance 8 2.3 Risks relating to investments in water 9 2.3.1 Challenging six months and possible merger with other funds   12 2.3.2 Collapse in share price of China Hydroelectric Corporation 13 3.0 METHODOLOGY 17 In this event study we shall use the Capital Asset Pricing Method to calculate the abnormal returns of the investments made by Aqua Resources Fund for the period between 2008-2012. Basically the abnormal return refers to the excess returns on the expected returns realized from an investment. Theassumptions underlying the CAPM are: 17 3.2 Summary of significant accounting policies 21 iv.1RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 22 4.1 Procedure for calculation of Abnormal Return 22 Step 1 22 Step 2 22 Step 3 22 Step 4 22 24 5.0 LIMITATIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH 24 6.0 CONCLUSION 25 Bibliography 26 List of Tables Figure 1Analysis of movements in NAV for the year ended 31 December 2011 (in â‚ ¬) 20 Figure 2: The Company ended the year with liquid funds of approximately â‚ ¬4 million, r epresenting approximately 6.9% of its net assets. 20 Figure 3: Share price performance of the company 23 Figure 4: Assets at unaudited fair value at period end 23 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Aqua Resources Fund Limited was incorporated on 12 June 2008 as a closed-ended investment fund in the water resources sector with limited liability under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994 as amended. The Company was established pursuant to the framework introduced by the Guidance Document issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. The company’s investment manager is FourWinds Capital Management which has the responsibility for the discretionary management of its assets with a proven track record of generating returns and managing risk across natural resources investments including water-related assets The company had a subsidiary called Ranhill Water Technologies (Cayman) Limited. RWT was a fully integrated water and waste water company with in-house ex pertise in design, construction and operations of water and wastewater plants across a number of Asian countries. Other subsidiaries of the company include: Aqua Resources (In-Pipe) Holdings Limited (â€Å"ARIHL†), a Guernsey limited company formed in August 2009; Aqua Resources Asia Holdings Limited, an exempt company incorporated in the Cayman Islands formed in October 2008; and Cooperative Aqua Netherlands Holdings UA, a Dutch co-operative company formed on 22 March 2010. 1.2 Justification This study focusses

Monday, September 9, 2019

Managing coastal environments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing coastal environments - Essay Example In 1950-1970s, one of the methods used to achieve protection is the establishment of hard rock protections. Although the said method is aimed to minimize the effects of coastal erosion, it caused negative effects such as the increase of the power of the energy waves that can hit the land. This can be attributed to the magnification of wave action that intensified the momentum of the waves. The accumulation of knowledge on the basis of research and data gathering, the advancement of new methods led to the continuous improvement of methods to lessen the effects of coastal erosion. There are different strategies that can be cited that were applied and empirically observed in different localities and countries. One of the examples of methods applied is located in Townsville, North Queensland. The case of the said locality is having natural erosion in the coast in relation to the two tropical cyclones that affected the area for two consecutive years. The protections that had been established had not been enough to sustain the effects of the erosion. This had effects in the tourism of the area since the recreational beaches, which are the main source of livelihood, became seriously eroded. For that matter, actions had been taken by the local council and the authorities to be able to restore facilities to prepare for the vacation season. Included on the proposed action plan is the establishment of new facilities for the tourists, restoration of the beach and construction of four rock headlands to slow the waves and trap sediments. Through the state legislations and redevelopment proposals, the main sources of funding are the state disaster fund and the council supplementary fund. Another case is the Tweed River in New South Wales which is human induced erosion. Actions were taken to be able to keep the river mouth clear on the basis of the susceptibility to erosion. The training

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Criminal Justice - Essay Example However, the exacting of the inmate’s freedoms, liberties and choices must be balanced, so that the social or public order is not disturbed. The public order is the prison the inmate is serving in. It is in the interest of social order that every inmate is to be accorded treatment or medical attention, as a way of upholding the US’ civil rights, justice and social order. However, room is left for inmates to exercise choice. Nevertheless, the declining of medical attention is seen to contravene public order in the event that the patient’s medical condition can affect social order. Mental illness, communicable diseases and urgent and important vaccines to an outbreak are some of the conditions which may directly affect public order. The crux of the matter above is that if the inmate is not accorded medical attention when he is in any of the three conditions above, he is likely to endanger the lives and health of other inmates and prison staff as well. Therefore, the exacting of forceful treatment will be being done for the good of the inmate, the rest of the inmates, the prison staff and US (or state) interests. It must also be remembered from the outset that life belongs to the state. Because of this, declining medical attention to a point where the life of the inmate may be in danger is akin to and amounts to breaching public order. No one has a right to take his life, even if it is by resisting medical attention. The two polarities (individual rights and public order) can be balanced by passing a legal injunction which would give prison authorities the power to administer treatment to specific medical conditions, if the inmate resisted. Some of these specific medical conditions that would bestow power on prison authorities include the refusal to receive medical attention because of mental derangement or psychological

Patterns Withing Systems of Linear Equations Math Problem

Patterns Withing Systems of Linear Equations - Math Problem Example The usual letter for the unknown number is. A real problem can be written as: This is called an equation because there is a sign. In order to find the value of the unknown number, algebra’s rules can do whatever it likes to this equation as long as it does the same to both sides of the equation. So far it has had equation with a single unknown number. What if it has two unknown numbers? In fact, an equation with two unknown has an infinite numbers of pairs of answer. To fix a single pair of number as the answer, it needs another equation. A pair of equation, each with two unknown numbers is called simultaneous equations. They can be solved together to give the values for the unknowns that satisfy both equations simultaneously. This paper contains a mathematical research about systems of linear equation when their coefficients obey arithmetic or geometric progressions. An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers where each number is a certain among larger than the previo us one. The numbers in the sequence are said to increase by a common difference, d. For example: is an arithmetic progression where the. The term of this sequence is. On the other hand, a geometric progression is a sequence where each number is times larger than the previous one. is known as the common ratio of the progression. The term of a geometric progression, where is the first term and is the common ratio, is: . For example, in the following geometric progression, the first term is , and the common ratio is : the term is therefore. The purpose of this portfolio is to show how with the aid of technology using appropriate computer software likes Autograph and Maxima packages (see Figure 1) is quick and easy to get graphical representations of algebraic equations. Thus, how in many situations, the graphs offers much more insight into the problem than does the algebra. Part A will consider the patterns within systems of linear equations:, where and are in arithmetic progression. W hile, in Part B the same coefficients obey geometric progression. Part A. System of linear equations formed with arithmetic progressions. Arithmetic progressions In algebra, letters are used in place of numbers that are not known. The usual letter for the unknown numbers are or . . The numbers are constants in an equation, for example: For instance in the above equation, and are known as constants in the equation. It says that the constant and form a arithmetic progression if they have a common difference, such as: Constants in a system of linear equations Given the system of linear equations. The coefficients are detected as follow: Examining the first equation, it sees a pattern in the constants of the equation. i.e. is the constant preceding the variable , and precede and the equation equals 3. The constant have a common dif

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The story Killings by Andre Dubus Essay Example for Free

The story Killings by Andre Dubus Essay The story Killings by Andre Dubus is about a man named Matt and his love for his son Frank. He is upset because his son has been killed by a man called Richard. Matts wife, older son, and his friends think that Richard should be killed too. His son wishes to kill the murderer of his younger brother, but Matt is even scared of the thought because doing so means that he would lose his second son, too. His wife also does not want to see Richard alive. In Killings, Matt is very angry at himself for the reason of not being able to protect his son and is forced to kill his sons murderer; however, at the end he is not very enthusiastic about it instead he is very upset and depressed. One of the reasons that Matt kills Richard is his own wife. She is very hurt by her sons death. She is always crying because she sees her sons murderer walking around in the stores all the time which kills her. Once Matt tells his friend Willis Ruth sees him too much. She was at sunny Hurst today getting cigarettes and aspirins and there he was. She cant even go out anymore. It is killing her (90). This explains how much of pressure he is under to avenge his sons death. This leads him to kill Richard even though he does not really want to kill him Another one of the reasons for Matts action is that Matts older son Steve wants to kill Richard. For example, when they leave after burying Frank to his graveyard, Steve turns to his family and states, I should kill him (89). This point out that Steve is also very hurt by his younger brothers death, who was only twenty one years old. He feels so helpless and wishes to kill Richard. Matt is very alarmed by this because he does want his son to kill anyone. If he commits murder, Matt would lose his second son, too. Matts friend Willis also suggests that he should kill Richard because Richard has always been cruel and violent. Once he shot a womans husband for her and dropped him off the bridge in the Merrimack River with a hundred pound sack of cement. He even covered his crime by saying that nobody helped the woman. This declares what kind of a man Richard is and what he has done to others. Now he has killed Frank which was very cruel of him, and Matts family believes that he has no right to live. Willis is also forcing Matt to believe that whatever his family thinks of doing to Richard is right. Willis urges Matt to kill Richard himself before someone in his family commits the act and he loses another family member. Just so everyone would be relieved and think that justice has been done.